• Power Inductor


Mass Production Automotive Thin Film General Type Metal Composite RoHS REACH

"#" indicates a package code.

List of part numbers with package codes

  • CIGB160809AHR33MPC



Size table
Size Code 0603 (1608)
L Size 1.60±0.20mm
W Size 0.80±0.20mm
T Size Max 0.9mm
General Type


Size table
Inductance 0.33uH
Tolerance ±20%%
Isat Max 2.8A
Itemp Max 3.3A
DCR Max 0.046Ω
Status Mass Production
Any data in this page are subject to change, modify or discontinue without notice.
This page includes the typical data for design reference only.
If there is any question regarding the data, please contact our sales personnel or application engineers.

Created : 2024/09/27 13:15:20

KST (Korea Standard Time), UTC/GMT +9 hours

Package Code : Last # of The Part Number

Size table
Code Type Reel Remark
B Bulk Bulk Bulk
C Paper 7"
P Paper 7" Winding Direction Marking
O Paper 10"
Q Paper 10" Winding Direction Marking
D Paper 13"
R Paper 13" Winding Direction Marking
E Plastic 7"
M Plastic 7" Winding Direction Marking
S Plastic 10"
L Plastic 10" Winding Direction Marking
F Plastic 13"
N Plastic 13" Winding Direction Marking